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The Many Uses of AI Music Search & Audioatlas

MatchTune just launched Audioatlas, the world's first comprehensive music search engine that uses AI to find the perfect song for your content. Drawing from a global catalog of over 200 million songs, the platform can understand any imaginable brief that you type, before sourcing a number of suitable tracks in seconds. Audioatlas provides the solution to innumerable modern music search problems that affect music fans and creators alike. Here are some of the uses of our new & revolutionary platform.

Soundtracking Your Social Media Content

It can be a serious task finding music for your content in 2023. Sifting aimlessly through music libraries can be a pretty uninspiring job, so why not let Audioatlas take on the job for you? Type a prompt such as "I need music for a TikTok lifestyle video" and, as ever, the platform will understand the brief, before finding the perfect songs to match the content - the possibilities are absolutely endless.

Creating Playlists For Your Content

We've all been there. You have dinner guests coming at 8, but it's 7:45 and you haven't got any music to impress them with yet. Frantically, you dig through your poorly-organized Spotify playlists (it's ok - we don't judge), trying to piece together some semblance of a dinner playlist. But in your attempts, you forgot to check on the chicken, which is now nothing short of chargrilled, but still in a better state than the badly-burnt rice. You hear the doorbell just as you're trying to salvage the dinner from the depths of a culinary nightmare, and wish there was a quicker way to make a playlist.

Well, as mentioned, we've all been there, and that's why a game-changing feature of Audioatlas is 'intelligent playlist curation' on Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, Amazon Music, and more. Simply type a brief such as "I need music for a dinner party", view & extend the results, click on your desired streaming icon, and the songs will immediately be opened as a playlist on that platform. It doesn't matter whether you have a corporate event, a kid's birthday party, a fashion show - the list goes on - Audioatlas can find the perfect songs immediately, and curate the perfect playlist so that you don't have any music stresses in the final hour.

Discovering New Music

When all is said and done, Audioatlas is a search engine, allowing you to discover new music. So, why not use it to do exactly this? If you feel like you have a bit of a blind spot for jazz music, why not search for some and whet your appetite? If you listen to loads of The Bee Gees, but can't seem to find anything similar, why not search "I need music similar to The Bee Gees" and see if you're a 70s pop fan after all? The Audioatlas library is a whopping 200 million+ strong, so you're guaranteed to stumble across great new music no matter what your original purpose was. Broaden your horizons with every search.

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